
Showing posts from December, 2022

End of Year Entertainment - Soft Body Tetris

   Materials can be either solid, liquid, or gas. But some solids for example jelly, are very flexible and soft

Loudness of Sound - Decibels

 What are loud and quiet sounds? How do we measure loudness with a number? Sound Loudness - Decibels - YouTube

Frame of Reference - Relative Motion Explained Well

     Sometimes it is impossible to tell if you are moving or the things around you do. Scientist have studied this phenomenon. Let's see this old but good video about motion to wrap our minds around that concept of the frame of reference

Simulate Sounds

Edit the code, and generate different notes

GeoGuessr - Guess the Country

    Let's play this game at the end of the semester! We can virtually travel around the world. Do you know what other countries look like?    Which of these countries would you visit? Would you like to live there? GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world!

Sirius - Constellations

Where can we see pyramids? – In Egypt! Egypt is in Africa – let’s find it on a map! Did you know that Egypt is in a desert, and people there live only near the river called the Nile? The Nile usually floods once a year, right after the star called Sirius rises. The Egyptians believed that Sirius brings water. But in fact, this is just a coincidence. There are many stars, and the cycle of one of them coincided with the flood cycle.  Download the lesson materials Download the lesson  materials

Halloween Special

 This song can be a good starter for a Science or English lesson around Halloween. Download the lesson materials

Planets on Google Maps

Did you know you can use Google Maps to see other planets?

Animals - An Online Game - Akinator

 1. Think of something 2. Answer a few questions about it, and this bot called Akinator will try to guess your word that you thought of!

Viscosity Virtual Experiment - States of Matter - Different Liquids

 There are three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas. Probably we all know it. But have you noticed that not all liquids are the same. Let's compare different liquids and make a race of different condiments! Download the lesson materials    Download the lesson materials

Melancholia - Let's Learn About Space with a Brief Overview of This Spectacular Movie

 There is a movie called Melancholia. It is expensive and well-made. Let's use the scenes about space from the film to learn about the universe in our Science class Melancholia and Earth. Dance of Death - Learning About Planets - YouTube

Space Summary - Stars, Planets. Satellites - The Solar System - Fun and Spectacular Videos - Activities for Different Levels

Did you know that the Sun is a star, and Earth is a planet? Here are many interesting materials about space, the Solar System, Saturn, telescopes, the Moon, space exploration, etc. Download the materials

Christmas Vocabulary Activities - Fun English

Jesus Santa Claus, Snow Man, Bells Pudding, Chimney, Sleight                                     Let's learn these and many more new English words related to Christmas! Download the lesson materials Draw an Elf, step by step! Download the lesson materials

Asking for Directions - Simple English

    How to give and ask for directions? Let's learn some new words that can help us Left, right, straight Across  Two blocks down the road Download the lesson materials

Photo Competition - Art - End of Year Activities

     What is art? Besides paintings, there are art photos. Let's see some popular works from a photo exhibition.

Virtual Planetarium

     See where each star and planet is, and will be at the time you select.