
Showing posts from February, 2023

Design and Engineering - The Most Popular Chair in the World - Product Design Example - Optimization

 Let's discuss what is globalization design engineering optimization Let's learn about the most popular chair in the world Let's discuss why is it so popular? Tips: it's cheap, light, easily made, stackable Download the lesson materials

See the Air Quality in Your Town - Pollution Map

    In March, in Southeast Asia, people burn rice straw on the fields. This creates air pollution. Let's see this interactive real-time world map of air quality! Which countries have clean air? Which ones have the biggest pollution? Where the air is cleaner - near mountains, deserts, oceans, seas, etc.? See the map,TN?zoom=3

Where is the Embryo Inside a Coconut? 🥥🌱

    We all know that seeds shall have three parts. Let's repeat them together 1 - Seed coat that protects the seed, 2 - Seed food that gives food for the new plant, and the 3 - Embryo , the baby plant, that shall grow into a new organism Have you ever tried a coconut? There is water inside . Where is the embryo ?? Let's solve this mystery🔍 together! This lesson can be used to learn about the seed parts in a fun way Including a song for singing together Download the lesson materials See the bean seed dissection lab lesson  Seed Dissection - Experiment ( Download the lesson materials See the bean seed dissection lab lesson  Seed Dissection - Experiment (

Learn English with Cat Names 🐈

 Do you know all of these English words? Download the video