Find Your School From a Satellite!

   Exploring the satellites
1. Intro

What are satellites?

Are all satellites made by human, or there are natural satellites?

How to send a satellite into space from Earth? How do rockets work? Why do we need those expensive satellites?
Do you know the name of the Emirati satellite that is now in space? - It is called KhalifaSat
What are `shooting stars` and are they really stars?

Did you know that Earth itself is a satellite of the Sun?

Please feel free to explore the interesting facts, activities, and videos below ↓↓↓


2. The Activity

The students seems to enjoy this 'find your school with a satellite' activity' 

Maybe you'll also find it useful.

The students have to find their school on the map , take a screenshot, and post it in the chat. The students who do so shall get a badge on LMS.


3. Curious Video

Interesting videos and more materials to download from the Google Drive

I think, you all have seen the Moon from Earth. But what is like to see Earth from the Moon? Let's see the video!


4. Interesting Facts PPT



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